A Place Where Anything and Everything is Possible
JamieLynne began her equestrian career at the tender age of nine. While her passion was always for hunters and jumpers, her sister's passion was for western riding and a compromise was reached. JamieLynne competed on the Appaloosa show circuit through her junior years in a plethora of classes - including Showmanship, Horsemanship, Western and English Pleasure, Western Riding and Games. After years of showing Appaloosas, JamieLynne finally pursued her true passion and began taking jumping lessons. She was eventually paired with Booker, a trustworthy and kindhearted Oldenburg x Tb cross who quickly showed her the ropes. The farm bears Booker's name as his kind attitude and overall demeanor serves as its foundation.
Jerry Phillips discovered his passion for horses later in life thanks to a friend who played polo. While he enjoyed the social aspect of the sport and appreciated the skill required to play, his true love was found behind the scenes in assisting with the preparation and cooling down of the ponies. It was here where Jerry learned how to groom, hot walk, wrap, and manage horses. He also enjoys photography and can be spotted on the sidelines at every competition with his Canon capturing both action shots of the horses and his favorite - candids.